Darshana Ananth

Nov 2, 20214 min

5 Books to Read to Get Your Life Together

A good book has the ability to impact and change lives for the better. Among the ones I've read so far, there were a few that struck a chord with me. So, I wanted to compile a list of books to read that helped people get out of a rut, become emotionally healthy, overcome fear, and find purpose in life. In other words, a guide to living one's best life.

There are so many self-help and personal development books out there. A lot of them promise to provide a solution to people's problems. And, a select few do exactly that. No bull shit, straight-up facts.

I've included 5 books that helped me in some way to overcome obstacles and opened me up to a whole new world of possibilities. With an open mind, you can use them to your benefit.

Atomic Habits

by James Clear

I'm sure you've heard of this book by now. It certainly went viral in the personal development world. The author talks about building micro habits that will eventually lead to amazing growth.

It revolves around building a system and how habits are the compound interest of self-improvement. The key idea is that these habits can transform your life in the long run if done right.


- Learn to build habits the right way

- Figuring out what's wrong in your routine and changing it

- Learn how behavior change works

- Effective ways of changing a habit

Number of copies sold: 3 million copies worldwide

Number of pages: 256

Time-taken to read: 6-7 hours (approx for fast readers)



by Henry Cloud & John Townsend

This book talks about how setting boundaries in life is very important. A person without boundaries is someone who is giving too much of themselves to the other person without thinking of their own needs. Not having a solid boundary is going to hurt not only you but also the other person.

The author talks about setting healthy boundaries with family, friends, work, and ourselves. He suggests taking control of our emotions and needs first before we start giving to others.


- Setting healthy boundaries

- Forming a boundary support group

- Identifying your limits

- Taking responsibility for our problems

- Learning about the types of boundary violations

Number of copies sold: over 4 million copies worldwide

Number of pages: 352

Time-taken to read: 9-10 hours (approx for fast readers)


Healing Is The New High

by Vex King

Vex talks about his experience with emotional pain and past trauma and how he overcame these obstacles using inner healing techniques. In this book, he talks about various methods that involve working with the layers of the self, yogic techniques, meditation, and a few other helpful exercises.

This is for people who want to overcome their past emotional troubles and his exercises are made in such a way that the results are long-lasting, not just a temporary fix. The book is engaging and quite easy to read.


- Working with your body’s energy

- Exploring and raising your inner vibration

- Creating positive relationships

- Exploring your personal history and rewriting limiting beliefs

- Uncovering your true self and reigniting your fire

#1 Sunday Times Bestselling Author

Number of pages: 304

Time-taken to read: 8-9 hours (approx for fast readers)


The Obstacle Is The Way

by Ryan Holiday

The Obstacle is the way revolves around the ancient philosophy of Stoicism. It explains how successful people have applied this principle to their lives that made them stand out from the rest.

The author quotes many historic figures like Seneca and Epictetus who were known for their objective views of life. The key is to see through your problems in life for what they are instead of what we make them to be.

The approach to life problems in this book is unique and a must-read for people who feel stuck in life.


- Maintaining an objective perspective

- Identify the weak spots of your problems

- Knowing what you can change and cannot

Number of copies sold: 2 million copies worldwide

Number of pages: 224

Time-taken to read: 5-6 hours (approx for fast readers)


The Happiness Advantage

by Shawn Achor

This book is all about leveraging happiness or positivity to our advantage. The author suggests that happiness is the joy we feel when we strive for our potential. Being successful is not what makes you happy but vice-versa.

With the concept of positive psychology, we can train the way our brain processes this world and how we react to it. The author talks about how you can use failure as a stepping stone to success and the overall growth of individuals.

This is a must-read for people who want to excel in a world of negativity, stress, and increased workloads.


- Ways to improve your mood

- Infusing positivity into daily lives

- The Tetris effect to spot patterns of possibility

- The Zorro circle to leverage small goals that lead to bigger goals

- The 20-second rule for behavior change and building habits

- Investing in social connections

Number of pages: 256

Time-taken to read: 6-7 hours (approx for fast readers)


These books open up a gateway to a number of our modern-day problems and illustrate the techniques we can use to overcome them. They are not just a one-time read but something we can refer to until it becomes second nature to us. Hope you enjoy them as much as I did.

You can also check out: 5 Books that changed my life

Happy Reading!
